Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Draft of new collage magazie

This is a draft of a new college magazine. I am going to call it "WhY?KE", because I like the play between words 'Why' and 'Wyke'. I also think this name will reflect well the magazine's profile - students are known for asking questions and being curious about different things and college (teachers, staff) and its magazine want to give them the answers. The masthead is going to be written in bold and sanserif font, which creates young and fresh feeling. Under the masthead I'll put the sub-masthead, which reads "The Wyke College Magazine".

My magazine is going to be a general college magazine. Because of its name I'll write the main headline as a question. The sub-headline would explain further what the main article is going be about. On this front cover I will also include some other headlines.

The image I have chosen to put on the front page is going to be a medium close-up photograph. It will present two of my school friends who play football for college female team. I think it is a good idea choosing them, because they represent values which I want to include in my magazine. Reading about their success may be inspiring for the college students and it may lead them to be more active and involved within the college.

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